When you envision the future workplace, what does it look like? The possibilities are almost limitless, but are they possible? We say yes — so long as the organization has the right foundation on which to build their future.

As we’ve discussed in our two previous articles on digital transformation, that right foundation typically begins with an organization’s data, and perfecting how the data network operates is an ongoing commitment. Keeping this commitment requires a technology ecosystem that connects data intuitively, allowing its users and personalized machine learning algorithms to easily recognize and make incremental improvements. Our work with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s (PANYNJ) Engineering Department is a prime example of how a fine-tuned ecosystem can operate. Through machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), team members are provided with answers to routine, systematic questions quickly and seamlessly, while customized AI works in the background to learn how to answer questions that have yet to be asked.

Our digital transformation experts envision a future workplace for our clients that is a highly optimized, virtual space where technology removes the mundane, increases productivity and makes room for innovation. Here’s how we get them there.

Less is more

Although digital transformation strategies vary from organization to organization, our systematic framework — which we call the building blocks of digital transformation — is applicable to any environment or industry. Discovering where improvements can be made, identifying pain points in processes and workflows, and developing digital solutions for those pain points is the tried-and-true, less is more approach that enables us to make recommendations quickly and accurately. This process was successfully applied to the PANYNJ’s bottlenecks, and we provided solutions that processed challenging data faster and more efficiently — leaving them with a thoughtfully connected, easy-to-use digital network that will support them throughout each new technological era.

On the same portal

Our ultimate goal is to establish a workplace where roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and insights are reliable and readily available. We do this through a centralized portal that houses all the software needed to create an augmented reality of an organization’s data. The client company’s team will know where every asset is because it is geolocated within the portal. A virtual command center will use AI to provide users with up-to-date information on assets, project status, predictive analytics — any digital asset that any stakeholder would need to review or monitor. They can instantly generate project design status, scheduling status, condition and much more, through interactive and intuitive platforms. Adding this technology to a daily workflow not only tells teams that something could happen, but what to do if it does. AI — after incorporating organization-specific machine learning algorithms — uses all the accessible data to do the mundane work, from providing quantitative insights and creating reports to anticipating outcomes, all generated from a few simple questions. Creating digital twins, or digital replicas of a project housed in an organization’s technology ecosystem, helps teams predict outcomes and get ahead of potential problems — drastically reducing uncertainty while illuminating areas for improvement that organizations can now confidently tackle.

A not-so-distant future

This is where our vision for the future workplace comes come together, and its one we’re fully prepared to deliver. We see technology supporting the rapid development of purposeful, buildable data, while being stored in a virtual environment that allows for constant curation, machine learning and AI. Based on the digital transformation foundation we’ve provided for you, advanced analytics are presented for project teams and clients in a digital portal, eliminating waiting time and giving instant access to the exact types of insights people need to do their jobs better. We anticipate that this so-called Metaverse approach will become the norm — where everyone is in the same “room” regardless of their physical location, all having equal access to their organization’s data library. Collaboration in this augmented social reality will be incredibly easy. Teams, data and answers to daily questions will be literally at your fingertips, and workflows will be more efficient, leading to saved time and resources. Organizations that know the questions they need answers to and are open to allowing our AI and machine learning technology to discover questions — and answers — they may be missing are perfect candidates to engage with us in this Metaverse approach. Ultimately, we’re opening the door to a future with more possibilities than ever, geared toward making the world a better place. Are you ready to open that door?

Learn more about our approach to digital transformation in the previous two articles of this series. The first article discussed how we developed a digital transformation strategy for the PANYNJ and paved the way for efficient workflows and emerging technologies. Our second article explained how to develop a data governance strategy for your organization and why such a strategy is important for future technology integration like artificial intelligence.
