Realizing the potential of GIS in major projects
3 min read

Realizing the potential of GIS in major projects

GIS is at the heart of every major consultation, planning or environment impact assessment project, but it’s been difficult in the past to make the most of the information that GIS practitioners hold. With PlanEngage™, this has changed dramatically. Now, multi-layered maps can be dynamically and easily displayed, with as many layers as are needed for any given project. Every skill, service or discipline involved in delivering a major project now has immediate access to relevant, location-specific information that makes information silos a thing of the past.

PlanEngage™ is a software-as-a-service platform developed by Digital AECOM that gives stakeholders their own unique and secure access. So when road designers update their designs for a bypass, for example, that design layer in PlanEngage is updated, allowing other disciplines and stakeholders to understand how that new design impacts upon their own activities. PlanEngage becomes a necessary but quick and easy step in the natural due-diligence process that exists on any major complex project where information sharing is more than just a nice-to-have – it’s essential.

On complex infrastructure projects, geographic information systems (GIS) are at the heart of the design, planning and consultation process, but for many GIS practitioners it’s often difficult to make the most of all the information they collect. With PlanEngage, this is changing dramatically.

Providing a single source of GIS data

PlanEngage provides a single location where GIS data can be stored and displayed, where everyone who needs to see it can do so, through a secure and unique web-based interface. On major projects with large numbers of sub-consultants out in the field, everyone needs to know what’s happening, where, and to therefore know what questions need asking.

Bringing GIS information to life with multi-layered maps

This is possible because PlanEngage brings GIS information to life, with multi-layered maps which can be dynamically and easily displayed. In this way, relevant and location-specific information can be made immediately available to anyone involved in delivering the project – regardless of the skill, service or discipline. This makes information silos on projects a thing of the past!

Understanding design impacts

PlanEngage also helps the natural due-diligence process that exists on any major complex project, where information sharing is more than just a nice-to-have – it’s essential. So, when road designers update their designs for a bypass, for example, that design layer in PlanEngage is also updated, allowing other disciplines and stakeholders to understand how that new design impacts upon their own activities.

And consulting with communities

Similarly, when governments or planning authorities need to consult with local communities, PlanEngage’s ability to be transformed into an interactive community consultation website makes it easy to fulfil the legal and moral obligations to consult on major projects. For example, certain jurisdictions around the world must consult with all indigenous communities who may be able to make claims on vacant land when it is being developed. PlanEngage becomes a true consultation portal, where anyone affected can see detailed maps and design layers of any proposals, provide feedback, and enable designers to incorporate that feedback in their designs.

If you’d like to see how PlanEngage can help you realize the potential of GIS data visit to book a demo with our team today.